Monday, March 28, 2011

What's for Dinner?

I am really enjoying cooking lately. I love planning the menu, organizing my pantry, finding out how much I saved for the record, on Saturday I spent $23 at Smith's and SAVED $24, I have enough pasta that i got for FREE! to last about 6 months. man! i love those deals!...and cooking the meals, of course! I love not worrying about what I'm going to make or if I have the ingredients to make it. I am finding myself having an affinity for cooking blogs especially slow-cooker blogs. I found Our Best Bites a while ago and have blog stalked them since.  They have various recipes- from quick and easy, to put on your apron, you're going to be here a while.

 Tonight we are having this 

Is it wrong to be excited for dinner?

As I was checking out their blog today, I found some super fun April Fool's food for the whan.
We've all seen these before, right?

I'm thinking seriously about making these on Friday.

And, how stinking cute are these?

Or these? I seriously want one. Now.

What is the meatball you ask? A Ferrer Rocher candy. Yum.O.

Do you have fun traditions for April Fool's with the kids? I need some ideas! :)

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