Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yoalli is hitting the Big Time!

I enrolled Yoalli in concert choir this year. The little girls didn't want to "sing those songs in front of people!", so they didn't. Oh, how a little attention changes things! :)
Yoalli has been practicing very hard each day at home and each week at choir practice. Last night was her first big show at the Tabernacle. She was a smashing success! The entire choir was really quite amazing and we all enjoyed it very much.

Yoalli was part of a trio that sang

Hanerot Hallalu, in Hebrew. It was really quite cool to hear them sing it so well. 



She also had a solo speaking part and did super well! She had practiced and practiced and memorized everything perfectly!  



We really enjoyed the performance and can't wait until the next one! :)


Love you, Boballi! Good Job! :)

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