I have a blogging pal, Devri, who does this each and every week. I have decided that I will start doing it as well. It's almost like sharing your testimony with the world, and I for sure need to do that more often. I honestly can't remember how I happened onto Devri's blog. I love reading her posts and sharing in her experiences. For some dumb reason I felt a connection to her and her family. It is probably because her husband is from Tonga and we all know how I feel about polys. :)
So, on with the show!
1. The Priesthood. I can honestly say I could not have survived this past year, especially, without Priesthood blessings. I'm grateful I have a worthy husband who blesses our family with his Priesthood.
2. Primary Songs. I can feel the Spirit so strongly through music. I love listening to my girls sing "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeep, a Suuuunnbeep!"
3.A very patient husband. Dunno what I'd do without him. He's a keeper for sure.
4. Miniature Mr.Goodbar candy bars. I can eat three of them and not feel like a schlub. Is that a lot? Don't tell me if it is.
5. Fabulous Friends who lift my spirits daily. I love checking my email to find a note or checking my blog to see who has left a comment. I love comments. They make my day. Have I mentioned that I love comments?
6.Bedtimes. 'nuff said. :)
7. My electric toothbrush. Weird, perhaps. I love it. I hate regular toothbrushes now. I may very well be earning my seat in the crazy house.
Ok. I'm only going to do 7 for now. I may post more later, but homework calls and I must try to figure out some 2nd grade math problems. :)